Colossians 3:23

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” Colossians 3:23

When I first discovered I liked working with children, I was seventeen and it was Vacation Bible School at my home church.

Mom dragged me there. She was in charge and she must have been desperate to get her angst-ridden, flighty, artistic son to “volunteer.” Can you call it volunteering? She said something about never letting me drive my car again if I didn’t help her with a good attitude. Sure, I could help her if it meant no wheels during prime dating season, but a good attitude? I thought she gave up on making me have one of those when I was twelve.

She was smart enough to put me in the recess time with the kids. If I was in charge of a lesson, I would have tried to twist it so it would be about how cool I was. That would have scarred the kids for life.

A couple of teens and me had recess duty. We were responsible for wearing the kids out with semi-organized games of kick ball, basketball and dodge ball. That worked for the first two days. Then to my delight, things fell apart.

It started when I bragged to a boy he couldn’t beat me in a race. He took up the challenge and encouraged his classmates. By Wednesday, the kids were yelling, “Get Kevin!” The whole VBS was after me. By Thursday, they figured out how to corral me. I was surrounded! The kids were all over me like a swarm of bees.

I loved every minute. I realized I could lead kids, even if it meant they were after my hide. I also realized it was fun being around little kids.

Today, it is my wife who volunteers me in the latest kid activity at church. I try to remember I am working for the Lord as I get to act like a lunatic for the kids. I hope God doesn’t mind. I’m guessing he’s okay with it.

Joshua 1:9

It’s normal to be scared about things. Some things are frightening to everyone. Other things seem scary except to the person who is scared. Both kinds of fear keep us from doing all sorts of things.

In the book of Joshua, the Israelites had good reason to be scared. They were going to war. They had no way of knowing if they would be killed or would be victorious. God reminded them they could be strong and courageous and He would be with them.

God doesn’t promise he will take away our fear. He does promise to be with us wherever we go. He will strengthen you and give you courage to face your fears.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Devotoon: Luke 22-23

Devotoon: Luke 22-23

Devotional cartoon: Boy sees a new kid getting picked on. He has to make a decision. Should he stop a bully?

Sometimes, we have to do the right thing all on our own. Jesus knew exactly what you’re going through. He went to the cross. Everyone abandoned Him. No one understood what He was doing. They mocked Him, laughed at Him and killed Him.

But God had a plan. Jesus rose victorious over death and sin. Jesus faced it all alone for us. When you’re facing difficulties for Jesus, He will be there for you.

Luke 22-23

Psalm 51:10

Devotoons Psalm 51:10

Cartoon on Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

I drew this with Pilot Precise V5 and colored it in Berol Prismacolor pencils.