Devotoon: Luke 22-23

Devotoon: Luke 22-23

Devotional cartoon: Boy sees a new kid getting picked on. He has to make a decision. Should he stop a bully?

Sometimes, we have to do the right thing all on our own. Jesus knew exactly what you’re going through. He went to the cross. Everyone abandoned Him. No one understood what He was doing. They mocked Him, laughed at Him and killed Him.

But God had a plan. Jesus rose victorious over death and sin. Jesus faced it all alone for us. When you’re facing difficulties for Jesus, He will be there for you.

Luke 22-23

One thought on “Devotoon: Luke 22-23

  1. Great concept. I am a firm believer that cartoons can be used to get messages across to young people in ways other media can't. I grew up reading anything that looked like a comic and now I love to read everything.

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