Proverbs 26:12-Wise in Our Eyes

Cartoon of  two boys. One wears a robe and mortar board. He says, “You wouldn’t believe how much smarter I feel since I changed my wardrobe.”

Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. Proverbs 26:12

There have been times in my life when I thought I had all the answers. When I was six, I was convinced I knew how to get to the moon. All I needed was a rocket. I began building one in our backyard. It looked a lot like a tree house. I tried to convince my dad to get me rocket fuel. When that didn’t work, I tried to “borrow” the lawn mower gas. Luckily, it was too heavy for me to carry. Mom wasn’t any help either. She refused to get me a space suit for Christmas. I abandoned my plans in the fall when it started getting cold and the leaves fell from my rocket.

Nobody could convince me that I should leave the space exploration to NASA. They made it look so easy, I was sure a six-year old like me could blast off to the moon too.

There have been other times when I’ve caught myself acting like I knew it all. Pride can convince me I have all the answers and anyone who has a different opinion must be a space cadet.

I put on my robe and mortar board and act like the scholar I’m convinced I am. It’s during those times I need to get a grip and realize I don’t have all the answers. I may be able to learn from someone. It’s okay for someone to have a different opinion. Today, I will act like a student and learn a few things instead of fool myself into thinking I’m Mr. Know-it-all.

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2