Cartoon: There is a way…

Cartoon of  a boy on a roof. He says, “Don’t worry! I have it all figured out. I have this umbrella and that pile of leaves to break my fall.”

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12 (NIV)

As a kid and young adult, there were several things I tried that seemed like a good idea at the time. There was the rickety bike ramp that imploded the moment the front tire hit the plywood. There was the body slam on my buddy’s car hood. And there was the time when I was eighteen I thought I could drive home after attending an all-night lock in at our church. Thank heavens I didn’t hit anybody when I fell asleep at the wheel!
History is full of stories where people knew something didn’t sound good but did it anyway because they thought they were the exception. Sometimes, that works out and it’s called ingenuity. But if it’s moral issues, if it goes against God’s word, don’t expect it to turn out so good.
I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Super Help

Cartoon of a girl and boy. Boy wears a super hero costume. The girl says, “Do you have to wear that every time I ask you to kill a spider?”

I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD,the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

Everybody needs some help once in a while. Some of us have no problem admitting this, while others just as soon don a costume and pretend they are invincible.

If we are honest, we will admit we need help one in a while. There are some things we can’t do alone. Fears get in the way. Bugs and spiders were never a problem for me. Rodents, however creep me out. Even squirrels look a little sinister. I think it’s because they are small, fast and can go where we never could. Not only that, they are smart. The critters know how to get out of sticky situations. Mice and rats are even worse for me. 

I can rest at night knowing God is the source of all help. He can do for me what no one else can. It’s comforting to know the same God who made it all knows exactly how to help me. I know I can do everything through him who give me strength. That includes walking by the trees of dive-bombing squirrels. Those critters can bean you with an acorn from ten yards above. They’re that smart.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Running From Mice

Cartoon of  two mice and a fleeing elephant. A mouse says, “I don’t know about you, but I feel empowered.”

The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:2 (NIV)

Have you ever noticed when you have something to hide, you get nervous? When I’ve done something wrong, everyone looks like a threat. It doesn’t matter if the person knows what I did or even if it had anything to do with him. The guilt will cause me to act like a coward.
When I know I have done the right thing, I feel strong even when someone may oppose me. There is something empowering about doing the right thing, being kind to someone and showing God’s love and mercy.
Today, let’s work on doing God’s work and become bold as lions.
I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2