Cartoon: Technology for Angels

Spear-Cartoon_3570, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of two angels. One says, “It’s easier to be God’s messengers thanks to extended cell phone coverage.”

This comic is based on Matthew 1:18-25

One of the things that’s neat about the Nativity story is how angels are involved. There are other stories in the Bible with angels, But they show up prominently in all aspects of Jesus’ birth.

Gabriel is there to tell Zechariah about John the Baptist. He also tells Mary what is about to happen. Who could forget the heavenly host singing to the shepherds? An angel warns Joseph to take the mother and child to Egypt. Angels are everywhere in this story!

Then there’s today’s story. Until the angels appears, all Joseph knows is his fiance is expecting a baby and he had nothing to do with it. Instead of making a scene and making sure she was severely punished, he had decided to divorce her quietly.

But an angel comes to Joseph in a dream and explains what is happening. I’m glad God knew how to set thing strait. I’m also glad we have a Christmas to celebrate. It’s time to spread the good news, whether it’s through a blog, cell phone or your friendly, neighborhood angel. There is good news! a savior is born.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Cartoon: Thought That Counts

Cartoon: Thought That Counts, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of a boy giving a present to a girl. The boy says, “Remember, it’s the thought that counts. Because if you can’t think, you can’t count.”

This cartoon is based on Luke 1:29-31

Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. Luke 1:29-31

It’s great to know God has things all planned out. He knew who would be the right woman for a special task. He knew just what Mary needed to hear in an unusual circumstance. He knew what we needed if we were to have any hope of being with Him one day.

It’s wonderful to know God had us in mind from the beginning. It was His thought that counts. The greatest gift of all has blessed us for two thousand years.

Merry Christmas, and enjoy the gift!

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Cartoon: There is a way…

Cartoon of  a boy on a roof. He says, “Don’t worry! I have it all figured out. I have this umbrella and that pile of leaves to break my fall.”

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12 (NIV)

As a kid and young adult, there were several things I tried that seemed like a good idea at the time. There was the rickety bike ramp that imploded the moment the front tire hit the plywood. There was the body slam on my buddy’s car hood. And there was the time when I was eighteen I thought I could drive home after attending an all-night lock in at our church. Thank heavens I didn’t hit anybody when I fell asleep at the wheel!
History is full of stories where people knew something didn’t sound good but did it anyway because they thought they were the exception. Sometimes, that works out and it’s called ingenuity. But if it’s moral issues, if it goes against God’s word, don’t expect it to turn out so good.
I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Criticism for Bullies

Cartoon of a bully threatening a boy. The boy says, “The problem with you bullies is you don’t know how to take constructive criticism.”

Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be destroyed beyond recovery Proverbs 29:1 (NLT)

It seems the more stubborn and inflexible someone is, the harder it is for them to take criticism. We need to be flexible and take the good along with the criticisms in life. 
God made trees to be flexible. When the wind blows, a tree sways in the wind. Dead branches on a tree don’t have the same flexibility. They are the first to go in any strong wind storm. 
Engineers took a lesson from nature and learned long ago tall structures need to be flexible. A rigid skyscraper wouldn’t stand the pressures of the wind anymore than a large tree. The best defense against the storms of life is flexibility.
When criticism comes our way, we need to be flexible as well. If the criticism has merit, let’s learn from it. If the criticism is unfair, roll with it and wait until the wind dies down. 
I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Super Help

Cartoon of a girl and boy. Boy wears a super hero costume. The girl says, “Do you have to wear that every time I ask you to kill a spider?”

I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD,the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

Everybody needs some help once in a while. Some of us have no problem admitting this, while others just as soon don a costume and pretend they are invincible.

If we are honest, we will admit we need help one in a while. There are some things we can’t do alone. Fears get in the way. Bugs and spiders were never a problem for me. Rodents, however creep me out. Even squirrels look a little sinister. I think it’s because they are small, fast and can go where we never could. Not only that, they are smart. The critters know how to get out of sticky situations. Mice and rats are even worse for me. 

I can rest at night knowing God is the source of all help. He can do for me what no one else can. It’s comforting to know the same God who made it all knows exactly how to help me. I know I can do everything through him who give me strength. That includes walking by the trees of dive-bombing squirrels. Those critters can bean you with an acorn from ten yards above. They’re that smart.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Christmas Confession

Cartoon of  a boy on Santa Claus’ lap. Boy says, “If I confess stuff, will I get more loot?”

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Everybody likes a good confession, that is, as long as someone else is doing the confessing.

I read where celebrities are having to rethink how they use social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Some celebrities have gotten in trouble when they said something that created controversy. At the same time, people are subscribing and friending celebrities so they can get a little tidbit about their favorite star. People love to see it when a celebrity confesses something. It makes them human.

At the same time, we have our own secrets we just as soon never divulge. We fear retribution. We want to look good even when we know our heart has sin.

If we knew we could get more stuff like the boy in the cartoon, that could change our minds. That’s why 1 John 1:9 is such a great verse. We DO get something if we confess our sins to God. He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us. Now THAT’S something worth getting!

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Proverbs 3:13-15: Expensive Wisdom

Cartoon of  boy and man in a store. Boy says, “I’d like a million dollars worth of wisdom, please. Can you just bill me?”

This cartoon is based on Proverbs 3:13-15

Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 3:13-15

It doesn’t take long to realize how valuable wisdom really is. How many times could we avoid heartache and hassles if we just listened to wisdom?

When I was a boy, there was a neighbor kid who was giving me a hard time. He was taunting me about something so trivial I can’t even remember what it was about. What I did remember was I told my dog to “sick ’em!”

I knew better. It would be unwise to try such a thing. But I blocked that from my mind. Instead, I thought my dog would never obey the command. After all, I didn’t teach her to attack anyone.

Unfortunately, my dog picked up on my anger and the tone of my voice. She turned on the neighbor boy and began to attack. I had to grab my dog, pull her away and apologize for an embarrassing situation that could have become tragic.

Wisdom is very valuable. But it loses its value if I don’t heed it. Today, I’m going to treat wisdom like the gold it is and do the right thing.

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Proverbs 1:7 Beginning of Wisdom

Cartoon of  two boys in school. One says, “We must be getting knowledge. It smells a lot like fear.”
This cartoon is based on Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7

I used to wonder what it meant to fear the Lord. When I thought of fear, I thought of scary movies. Usually, some evil force would terrorize the hero in those movies. It didn’t make sense to fear God if he was good.

Now I see that the fear comes from knowing God is all powerful, all knowing and yes, He’s all good. He knows my strengths and weaknesses. It is by his mercy I am on earth in the first place. 

It’s too easy for me to forget that in a world where modern conveniences make me comfortable and science attempts to explain everything away. I may think I have an answer for everything and a way to take care of myself in any situation.
I need to remember God controls my life. By his will, he placed me at this time and place in the world. Just that fact is enough to make me fear Him and be thankful for what he’s done for me.

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Proverbs 26:12-Wise in Our Eyes

Cartoon of  two boys. One wears a robe and mortar board. He says, “You wouldn’t believe how much smarter I feel since I changed my wardrobe.”

Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. Proverbs 26:12

There have been times in my life when I thought I had all the answers. When I was six, I was convinced I knew how to get to the moon. All I needed was a rocket. I began building one in our backyard. It looked a lot like a tree house. I tried to convince my dad to get me rocket fuel. When that didn’t work, I tried to “borrow” the lawn mower gas. Luckily, it was too heavy for me to carry. Mom wasn’t any help either. She refused to get me a space suit for Christmas. I abandoned my plans in the fall when it started getting cold and the leaves fell from my rocket.

Nobody could convince me that I should leave the space exploration to NASA. They made it look so easy, I was sure a six-year old like me could blast off to the moon too.

There have been other times when I’ve caught myself acting like I knew it all. Pride can convince me I have all the answers and anyone who has a different opinion must be a space cadet.

I put on my robe and mortar board and act like the scholar I’m convinced I am. It’s during those times I need to get a grip and realize I don’t have all the answers. I may be able to learn from someone. It’s okay for someone to have a different opinion. Today, I will act like a student and learn a few things instead of fool myself into thinking I’m Mr. Know-it-all.

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Running From Mice

Cartoon of  two mice and a fleeing elephant. A mouse says, “I don’t know about you, but I feel empowered.”

The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:2 (NIV)

Have you ever noticed when you have something to hide, you get nervous? When I’ve done something wrong, everyone looks like a threat. It doesn’t matter if the person knows what I did or even if it had anything to do with him. The guilt will cause me to act like a coward.
When I know I have done the right thing, I feel strong even when someone may oppose me. There is something empowering about doing the right thing, being kind to someone and showing God’s love and mercy.
Today, let’s work on doing God’s work and become bold as lions.
I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2